Talk of a 42% vote for Chancellor Merkel’s CDU party. If proved correct it will be the strongest result for the conservatives since 1990.

But Merkel’s preferred coalition is at risk, as her Free Democrat partners appear not have secured the 5% needed to enter parliament. She may, therefore, be forced to seek a grand coalition with the Social Democrats – estimated to have won 26%.

So the jury is still out as far as I can gather as to exactly who/where/how she will form a coalition. Some suggestion even that she might be able to form govt with an absolute majority but this is still not clear. The anti-euro party, AFD, were at one stage rumoured to be up to the 5% minumum to enter the Bundestag but have since dropped back.

Euro impact may be initially positive but no one will be diving in too heavily until the final outcome becomes clearer.

Der Spiegel and the BBC carry more on the scenario so far.

We will keep you posted with major developments but any updates/thoughts from our German readers especially welcome.