Schaeuble speaking in a newspaper interview

  • Says debt cut for Greece is not currently on the agenda

Headlines via Reuters


  • Interview with the newspaper Mannheimer Morgen
  • Asked if he could envisage a partial cut in debt for Greece, Schaeuble said, "That's currently not on the agenda at all."
  • "The country doesn't need a debt cut now, but it must continually work on its competitiveness," Schaeuble said. He pointed out that Greece's borrowing costs for the next 10 to 15 years were already relatively low. "Above all, as long as member states are responsible for financial and economic policy, they must also bear the consequences of their own decisions themselves"
  • Reuters add that Chancellor Angela Merkel and Schaeuble do not want to discuss any details of debt relief for Greece before federal elections on September 24,

Schaeuble does not approve of the kids of today and their eyePods with the loud rock music