Theresa May called an election to cement her Conservative party's place in government. Here's why.

We know May is playing poker with the general election. This vote will not be about "the people", it's about strengthening her hand in parliament so that she can play poker again in the Brexit negotiations.

Her biggest opponents, Labour are in disarray, as an interview this morning with the shadow (opposition) Home Secretary shows. I'm not one for bleating on about politics on here (unless there's a trade in it) but this interview shows ineptitude of a quite shocking degree. Frankly it's cringeworthy, and worth watching for that alone.

This is May's election to lose and so far the other parties aren't putting up much of a challenge.

Trading the pound over this election will be about how strongly or weakly she wins, not whether she wins at all.

And remember, we have local elections across the whole of the UK on Thursday and the market will look to the results from that as a gauge of May's superiority (or lack of).