Currently 0.8718 tightly bound still
Demand nearby still around 0.8700 and more into 0.8680 . Offers growing into 0.8730 again.
Stalemate but for how long?
Offers: 0.8730 0.8750 0.8770 0.8785 0.8800-05
Bids: 0.8695-00 0.8680-85 0.8665 0.8650 0.8600
Demand nearby still around 0.8700 and more into 0.8680 . Offers growing into 0.8730 again.
Stalemate but for how long?
Offers: 0.8730 0.8750 0.8770 0.8785 0.8800-05
Bids: 0.8695-00 0.8680-85 0.8665 0.8650 0.8600