Currently 0.8617 after finding demand below 0.8600
Month-end buying will be in focus but offers into 0.8630 and 0.8650 again
Offers: 0.8630 0.8650 0.8685 0.8700 0.8720-25 0.8750
Bids: 0.8600 0.8585 0.8565 0.8550 0.8520-25 0.8500
Month-end buying will be in focus but offers into 0.8630 and 0.8650 again
Offers: 0.8630 0.8650 0.8685 0.8700 0.8720-25 0.8750
Bids: 0.8600 0.8585 0.8565 0.8550 0.8520-25 0.8500