The BOJ Q3 Tankan report will be released at 2350GMT. Japanese PM Abe has said he will make his decision on whether or not to go ahead with the current April 2014 sakes tax hike after seeing the results of the Tankan. So, its going to attract extra attention today – sings of continuing strength in the economy will likely be indicative of Abe deciding to go ahead with the hike.

The results of the Tankan will cross the wires citing key figures:

  • Large Manufacturing Index Q3, expected is +7, prior was +4
  • Large Manufacturing Outlook Q3, expected is +10, prior was +10
  • Large Non-manufacturing Index Q3, expected is +14, prior was +12
  • Large Non-manufacturing Outlook Q3, expected is +15, prior was +12
  • Large All-industry Capex, expected 6.0%, prior 5.5%


  • Small Manufacturing Index Q3, expected is -12, prior was -14
  • Small Manufacturing Outlook Q3, expected is -10, prior was -7
  • Small Non-manufacturing Index Q3, expected is -3, prior was -4
  • Small Non-manufacturing Outlook Q3, expected is -2, prior was -4