Fitch ratings agency says risks in the Australian banking system have risen

They cite:

  • Due to a strong rise in home prices
  • Growth in investor and interest-only mortgage loans in 2013 and 2014
  • They also say the likelihood of significant losses in the mortgage portfolios of major banks remains low
  • “Fitch’s analysis indicates that the risk for investment mortgages is higher in the case of owner-occupied mortgages, and suggests a speculative element to recent house-price appreciation. The rise in interest-only loans also raises the susceptibility of borrowers to a weakening in market conditions owing to the slower accumulation of borrowers’ equity relative to more traditional principal-and-interest loans”

They add that it is the indirect effect on non-housing loans that pose the greater risks to banks in the event of a significant housing downturn:

  • “The negative impact on consumer confidence, consumption and investment from such a downturn would almost certainly feed into weakening commercial credit quality. In such an event, commercial loan losses would be likely to dwarf those from the mortgage portfolio

Report is here

If Fitch keep dissing on my country I’m gonna have to refer to them as Fiatch
