Here is what’s coming up from those chatty central bankers today …

2240GMT … Bank of Canada governor Poloz speaking at the inaugural “Canada Summit” (no, no, no … not Mount Logan) on economic issues facing Canada.

Earlier today from the BoC:

0030GMT … Richard Fisher, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, speaks at the Dallas Business Club on the “Texas economy” and on monetary policy

Much later …. at 0500GMT … we should hear from Takehiro Sato, Member of the Bank of Japan (BOJ)‘s Policy Board. He is speaking today to at a meeting with business leaders in Kochi and will hold a press conference after. This should be interesting, Sato was one of the four BOJ board members who voted against the further easing back on October 31. I know its not the Japanese way, and I expect it is very unlikely, but a public dummy-spit would be awesome.