Comments from Yellen in the question and answer period after the opening statement:
- Inflation outlook has softened somewhat, cites USD and oil as negative factors
- We can never expect uncertainty to be fully resolved
- In light of the developments we want more time to evaluate
- Further improvements in labor market would bolster confidence that inflation will rise
Asked about Oct being a live meeting:
- Every meeting is a live meeting, that certainly includes Oct
- We were to decide to hike in Oct we would call a press briefing
- October remains a possibility, we want to see if the US economy is doing well
- Domestic developments have been positive
- We still want to bolster our confidence in inflation returning to target
On tightening:
- We don't want to wait until we've fully met our goals before moving rates
- We're way below our inflation target but an important reason is declines in import prices/commodities
- In the inter-meeting period, we've had disinflationary developments but we view them as transitory
- Jobs have bolstered confidence in outlook in the intermeeting period
- TIPS breakevens caught our attention
- "The labor market is really important"
On forecasts that show low unemployment but low inflation
- Overshooting on unemployment helps inflation get back to target faster than it normally would
- Highlights of the opening statement
- Live stream