Monetary policy: an anchor in challenging times - speech by Huw Pill

BoE Chief Economist Pill says at present, he is still inclined to believe that a significant monetary policy response will be required to the significant macro and market news of the past few weeks

"But I will see when we get to November how events have evolved in the meantime".

Employment has stagnated and is now showing tentative signs of falling.

This will help to cool the labour market and contain some of the domestically-driven inflationary pressures that historically have threatened to become more persistent.

I Continue To Expect A Significant Monetary Policy Action At The Monetary Policy Committee's Next Scheduled Meeting

Fiscal Announcements Will, On Balance, Provide A Further Stimulus To Demand Relative To Supply Over The Medium-Term, Monetary Policy Relevant Horizon

Volatile Market Dynamics That Followed The Announcement Of The Growth Plan Underline The Need To Bolster The Credibility Of The Wider Institutional Framework

It Is Welcome That The Role Played By The Office For Budget Responsibility (OBR) In Scrutinising The Government's Fiscal Plans Will Be Resumed