Bank of Japan Minutes (link is to the full BOJ text) from the Monetary Policy Meeting held on September 21, 22.

The 'summary' precedes the minutes by many, many weeks: BOJ September. meeting summary: Core inflation likely to increase more slowly in 2023

Headlines via Reuters:

  • A few members said need to be vigilant to impact monetary tightening by some central banks could have on global markets
  • Members agreed japan's economy is picking up
  • Several members said weak yen could hurt households, small firms and non-manufacturers
  • One member said weak yen has effect of pushing up domestic economic activity in long-term
  • Some members said must expand inbound tourism, capex, hike wages to maximise merits of weak yen
  • One member said various indicators on trend inflation rising


Bank of Japan Governor Kuroda

Bank of Japan Governor Kuroda