Susan Collins is President of the Boston Federal Reserve branch.

Collins spoke in an interview with the New York Times (gated) on Wednesday.

  • said either a 25 or 50bp move would be "reasonable"
  • she leans towards +25
  • expects terminal federal funds rate to be just above 5%
  • expects 3*25bp rate hikes, in February, March, and May and will then hold until the end of the year


  • "Adjusting slowly gives more time to assess the incoming data before we make each decision, as we get close to where we're going to hold"
  • "Smaller changes give us more flexibility."
  • "We've really moved into the second phase of our work: The first phase, it was about being aggressive. Now, that we're in restrictive territory, I continue to believe that what I think of as 'judicious' moves are the right way to get there."
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