Nothing much different in this lost of comments from Suzuki:

  • No comment on daily forex moves
  • Forex rates move on various factors
  • Ready to take appropriate actions on FX market movements if necessary
  • Excess FX volatility by speculative trading is unacceptable
  • Watching FX moves with high sense of urgency
  • In constant touch with US authorities
  • Aware of Yellen's comment that she did not know about Japan's intervention
  • Excessive FX volatility due to speculative trading amplifies impact on households, businesses, must be smoothed out
  • No comment on whether intervened in FX market
  • Various currencies, not just yen, weak against dollar's solo strength
  • Need to make sure economic measures are not delayed after ex-economy minister Yamagiwa's resignation
  • Monetary policy up to the BOJ to decide
  • Price hikes are caused by global commodity inflation and weak yen

USD/JPY not doing much at all:

usdyen chart 25 October 2022 22