Lagarde in Ljubljana Slovenia
  • The disinflationary process is well on track
  • Manufacturing has continued to contract
  • Services activity showed an uptick in August but latest data is more sluggish
  • Business are increasing investment slowly
  • Housing investment continues to fall
  • Savings rate is well above the pre-pandemic period (about 3 percentage points)
  • Labor market remains resilient
  • We expect the economy to strengthen over time
  • Exports should contribute to the recovery
  • Wage pressures in the eurozone remain strong
  • Inflation is expected to rise in the coming months, in part due to energy base effects
  • Inflation should then decline to target in 2025
  • Risks to growth tilted to the downside
  • We are not pre-commiting to a particular rate path

The euro is down on the day but that's more of a result of a strong US dollar than anything in the ECB decision or this statement so far. The market is fully pricing in another 25 bps from the ECB in December.