BOC Tiff Macklem
  • Employment growth has been surprisingly strong reflecting continued demand increases in labor supply
  • past policy rate increases are working their way through the economy
  • we view risks around our inflation forecast to be roughly balanced, but are more concerned about the upside risks
  • forecasts for positive but weak growth in final three quarters of this year is something most people would call a "soft landing"
  • We are guided by inflation and achieving inflation mandate.
  • Labor market is important to see where inflation is going
  • We need weak growth as demand is running too strong
  • Probably need to see unemployment rate move up to slow demand
  • We expect housing to remain subdued but as we get to the 2nd half we expected to start to grow again.
  • High immigration leads to underpinning of demand
  • You should plan on inflation coming down
  • We need to get demand and supply better balance. It is coming back to normal but it is not normal yet.