Fed bullard boxing meme
  • He is less enamored with argument that credit conditions will tighten appreciably to send the economy into recession
  • It is not that clear to him that there will be much of a pullback in lending
  • He is not yet reviewed Thursday's revision to jobless claims
  • Housing market still seems tight due to inventory shortages
  • Inflation seem to be leveling off but wants to see it on a clear downward trend
  • Fed can't declare victory too early on inflation
  • Financial stress appears to have abated for now
  • 85% probability that financial stress will continue to abate
  • If that occurs, Fed should stick to its interest-rate path and get inflation and down while the labor market is still strong
  • He continues to be hopeful inflation can be reduced this year with the labor market remaining relatively strong

Bullard is not a voting member in.