Federal Reserve Governor Kugler speaking in Q&A now

  • We're at a place where we don't want labour market to weaken further
  • Makes sense to shift attention to employment mandate.
  • Inflation measures excluding housing are near 2%, but that's not what we target.
  • We are making very good progress, but not at 2% yet.
  • I don't see that we will overshoot on inflation.
  • It will still take us some time to get to 2% inflation.
  • We have begun to recalibrate rates
  • we need to continue normalizing rates
  • Maybe some Fed policy makers would be willing to move expected 2025 rate cuts forward to 2024, or vice versa, depending on data
  • We don't pay a whole lot of attention to the neutral rate because there is a lot of uncertainty about it
  • below 100K monthly job gain would be 'very low', must be mindful of potential downward revisions.
  • Breakeven number for monthly job gains is anywhere from 100K to 240K.
  • Policy is restrictive.
  • With disinflation, we need to cut even to just keep where we are in terms of restriveness.

Kugler spoke earlier:

recalibrate parrot 26 September 2024 2

Its not just me picking up on the new script, is it?