Reserve Bank of Australia Financial Stability Review.

Headlines via Reuters

  • Australia not immune to global financial shocks
  • But Australian banks well capitalised, profitable and highly liquid
  • APRA has stepped up oversight of domestic institutions, considering lessons for regulations
  • Global financial stability risks have increased, likely to see tightening of credit
  • Regulators will need to tighten rules, protect from "digital" runs on banks
  • Financial system also at risk if inflation stays high, central banks keep tightening
  • Most Australian households, firms well placed to weather higher rates, inflation
  • But some already in stress and squeeze on budgets likely to last for some time
  • Stress seen in domestic construction sector, commercial lending
  • Domestic banks well placed to absorb any increase in non-performing loans
  • Lenders provisioning for loan arrears to rise, though from very low levels
  • Mortgages in negative equity make up only 1% of total loans
  • Keeping watching brief on cyber attacks, climate change, geopolitical stress

Full text:

Read the full Financial Stability Review

rba 06 April 2023