It is so great to be part of the ForexLive team…again as Director of Client Education and Technical Analyst.
As the markets are exciting with a fluidity of motion, change, trends and non-trends, so too is what I feel is happening at ForexLive. My personal goal is to fit in and provide a continuity that is seamless to you the trader/follower, and at the same time, fill in crevices that need filling.
I come to ForexLive with 28+ years of trading experience split almost equally between the institutional and retail sides. I do not think I have seen it all, but it is safe to say I have experienced many different sides of what is important, and perhaps not so important in trading.
I understand what is like to sit in the chair in a global institution, and the chair in a home office, family room or at the kitchen table. My views may not be the views of all – what two people are totally alike in this business – but I do promise to have a “voice” that resonates with consistency and simplicity. My voice is built on a foundation that will withstand the markets hurricanes so that you – the trader – can be around for the long term, not just for that last do or die trade.
I want you to become a better trader and coach you on how to do it. Some of you are already there, but I know (remember I have had 13-14 years being involved in the retail forex business), there are many more who need more direction. I want to be the voice that steers your course.
I am excited to be starting my journey at ForexLive and look forward to taking that journey with you on board.