Tsipras is having some success fighting Germany's Greek narrative
What most people believe -- especially in Germany -- is that Greeks are lazy and corrupt. That they need ever-harsher doses of economic reality and austerity to jolt them towards competitiveness.
The government overspent, was given handouts by Northern Europe and has learned nothing.
Merkel has made the country her personal economic punching bag in order to position herself at home as a pragmatic economic manager.
Suddenly, people are starting to have another look.
Greek spending on government workers is lower than Germany. Productivity is higher.
Even the bailouts are a bit of a myth. Greece still defaulted and the bailout money went to private creditors -- including significant amounts to Greek and French banks.
The Greek government also implemented many of the Troika reforms only to watch its economy contract by 25%.
Word is getting out around Europe and Greece is starting to get some sympathy. Bloomberg today has a harsh takedown of the Merkel-led austerity. The Merkel brand, once seen as hard but pragmatic is beginning to appear inflexible and dogmatic.