Bill Gates on the long-robots/short-humans trade

About 64% of people in the United States under the age of 30 have a high school education or less. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was asked about how needs to worry about losing their jobs to robots and said that group should be worried in an interview with the FT.

Can you assure us that the world of Blade Runner, where the robots will take over, that's some time away, we don't have to worry about that?
They will be benign for quite some time.

You're talking about a world of serious labour substitution. What areas of the labour market are most at risk?
For those high-school-educated or below is where there will be substitution. We've been destroying manufacturing jobs at quite a rate, and that's good. It makes things cheaper. People demand more things.

It does mean that if you're not educating your population very well, you're going to have a segment of it that if you want to create jobs, those will be almost entirely subsidised activities.

Subsided by who?
By the government, by society, if there is desire to have those people have employment.

The defining challenge of humanity for the next 40 years will be how we adapt to a future where most of the work can be done independently by machines.