Latest Brexit press conference now underway 10 Nov

Quelle surprise!

  • we are willing to reach an accord on orderly Brexit
  • only real progress on 3 key issues will open second phase of talks

Only the 3 key areas and still expecting progress by year-end ?

  • we are not seeking concessions from UK
  • not making concessions either but working on reciprocal commitments made in past
  • making some progress on citizens rights
  • UK has provided useful clarification on rights, basis for future work
  • family reunification, export of benefits, role of ECJ remain to be discussed

Discussed? They haven't even got onto that yet? ECJ role is an real stumbling blovck. Why have they not prioritised?

  • we will work intensively in weeks b4 next EU summit in Dec

Yippeeee .More hot air.

EURGBP suitably unfazed

Watch it live here
