Further comments from the debate
The political scene has been changing in Europe while we're trying to negotiate and that's complicating talks
I thought there were no talks taking place between us and Europe? More bike shed talks no doubt.
He's got a point though, we can hardly negotiate with many of the EU when a lot of those countries are facing elections.
More from Davis;
- Does not want to box ourselves in on a future trading relationship with EU
- It is important we do not close off options before they've been tried and tested
- Parliament will be regularly updated
- We will set out our strategic plans ahead of triggering art50
- Motion amendment will set out the negotiating timetable
I'll repeat here what I've just said in the comments. This is a debate on a motion for parliament to be kept in the loop on negotiations, and will no way impeded the triggering of article 50. That can't happen as it would mean that a party or individual rebel MP's would be directly going against the referendum, and no one is going to do that. There's lot being made about this motion but it is a farce if folks think that it will result in detail Brexit plans coming to light. At most it's going to skirt around the edges in airy fairy way. This is a face saving motion for both May and the opposition.