Carney in the Lincoln local news
Carney did an interview with the Lincolnshire Echo yesterday and it's been published today
There's nothing much to add to what he said yesterday but the pound has reacted anyway by tacking on 20 pips to 1.5620
Here's the most pertinent part;
"The Bank of England's responsibility is to ensure that we have the stability that is required to last as long as possible so our job is to make sure that inflation, which is very low at the moment, comes back at an appropriate pace to that two per cent target. Our job is to make sure the financial system, which has been substantially recapitalised and made much stronger, remains that way so that we don't go through the boom bust cycle of euphoria and despair that we have seen in the past. We have taken steps to make sure the financial sector builds capital and in terms of the monetary policy the point at which interest rates need to increase has moved closer. We are not on any pre-determined plan but as slack is used up in the labour market and the economy continues to grow it will be appropriate to make modest and reasonable adjustments in interest rates so that inflation stays around that target."
The full article is here