Economic data due from China over the weekend -

  • Due at 0200GMT (or thereabouts) on 8 August 2015

China trade balance for July:

  • expected is $55.00bn, prior was $46.54bn

Exports y/y:

  • expected is -1.5%, prior was +2.8%

Imports y/y:

  • expected is -7.9%, prior was -6.1%


In yuan terms ...

Trade balance

  • expected is 353.11bn, prior was 284.20bn

Exports % y/y

  • expected is -0.3%, prior was +2.1%

Imports % y/y

  • expected is -6.6%, prior was -6.7%


Also ... China CPI and PPI for July due 0130GMT on 9 August

CPI for July

  • expected is +1.5% y/y, prior was 1.4%


  • expected is -5.0% y/y, prior was -4.8%


And .... also ... watch out for this over the weekend ...

  • Typhoon Soudelor will bring both flooding rainfall and damaging winds to Taiwan
  • The storm remains on a collision course with the island
  • Has weakened, but remains a powerful typhoon
  • Will restrengthen prior to making landfall
  • Impacts will begin on Friday
  • Conditions will worsen across northern and eastern Taiwan Friday afternoon with the worst of the weather expected Friday night and Saturday