Final day of February could offer answers on tax reform
All the power players in the Republican party agree that comprehensive tax reform is necessary but after that it begins to break down.
Some form of a border adjustment tax, corporate tax cut, personal tax relief and a myriad of other reforms are on the table, with infinitely more tax breaks on the chopping block. There is no lack of a plan in the House or Senate, just a lack of consensus.
We know that Trump's team -- lead by Gary Cohn -- is drafting it's own plan. What we don't know is if that's really a plan, or more of a draft of principles.
The WSJ highlights that two things to watch. One is that Obamacare will almost surely need to be repealed and replaced first, because of the tax implications and due to Senate rules. The WSJ also highlights Feb 28, which is when Trump may lay out his plan. That date coincides nicely with the rough timeline Trump laid out for his 'phenomenal' plan.