Trading into the US timezone? Here are the major items of focus on the calendar for Thursday
8.30AM NY time
1330GMT - Initial Jobless Claims (week ended February 4), expected 249K, prior 246K
Also, Continuing claims
9.10AM NY time
1410GMT - James Bullard, St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President speaks at financial forum at Washington University in St. Louis
- Topic will be the US economy and monetary policy
- Also, followed by an audience & then media Q&A
10AM NY time
1500GMT - Wholesale inventories (December, final)
- The advance report was +1.0%
- Expected for the final is also +1.0%
1.10PM NY time
1810GMT - Charles Evans, Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President speaks at the CFA Society of Chicago Distinguished Speakers Series event in Chicago
- Will speak on current economic conditions, monetary policy
- Audience & media Q&A to follow