Reuters note sources with the details of EU/IMF proposal

  • EU/IMF ask Greece for vat hikes of 1% of GDP
  • Demands Greece does not roll back pension reform or make unilateral moves on labour issues, crossing Greek red lines
  • Asks Athens to save €800m by scrapping low-income pensioners benefits through 2016
  • Asks Greece to commit to privatising grid operator Admie Hellenic Petroleum, major ports , OTE, Trainose
  • If accepted deal will unlock €10.9bn to cover Greece through July & August

There looks to be a fair bit on there that Greece won't be happy about, particularly pensions. If anything the Greek government will be up against it domestically if they do hit pensions

Some (or most) of this is probably at the root of the angst amongst Tsipras's party and government

Dijsselbloem is just popping up too and saying that the differences in talks with Greece are still quite large.