ADDED – Earlier I posted this: CitiFX Strategy Weekly document – outlook for Euro, GBP, CHF, AUD … and more
From Goldman Sachs their ‘charts that matter’ technical analysis for the coming week. The focus is on the euro, with EUR/USD and EUR/Crosses all charted.
Its worth noting that this is “prepared by a Goldman Sachs sales and trading desk, which may have a position in the products mentioned that is inconsistent with the views expressed in this material”. I have included the front page of the report which has this as part of a one paragraph disclaimer. I haven’t included the final four pages of the report, which are all disclaimers! Four pages! … I’d like to think the clients of Goldmans are big boys and girls who can make up their own minds and not be cry babies … but, apparently not … Four pages… sheesh…
I’ll start with page 6, where the euro analysis begins (and follows on a further 3 pages):
This is where pages 6 and 7 should be, but I put those in as the first charts in this post, scroll to the top to see these.