A heads up to the data due from China some time April 10 to 15. There is no firmly scheduled time nor even date.
- March new yuan loans, expected is 1250bn, prior was 885.8bn
- Aggregate financing RMB for March, expected is 1825bn, prior was 703bn. The big jump expected is on the back of faster local government special bond and LGFV bond issuance, also an increase in new loans
- Money supply M0 for March y/y: expected is 3.3%, prior was -2.4%
- Money supply M1 for March y/y: expected is 2.9%, prior was 2.0%
- Money supply M2 for March y/y: expected is 8.2%, prior was 8.0%
Also due from China this week CPI, PPI, trade figures - all for March. I'll have more to come on these separately