A German government official on the Reuters wires ahead of the G20 leaders summit this week.

  • G20 summit should not destabilise markets with unrealistsic time expectations for European banking union.
  • Syria will be discussed at summit (no shit Sherlock)

There’s no way markets are hanging out for the banking union given it takes years to change a light bulb in Europe let alone major regulatory reforms.

The leaders summit starts on Thursday through Friday. I’d expect the usual guff about improvements to the global financial picture and a lot of talk on Syria which may overshadow all else.

There will be a leaders statement whereby;

The 2-day-long G20 Leaders’ Summit will result in the adoption of the G20 Leaders Joint Statement that will reflect the G20’s intentions and concrete mechanisms for further work on stimulating strong, sustainable and balanced growth.

And if you believe that you’ll believe anything


What will be interesting is how the relationship is seen between Obama and Putin after the Snowden affair. It seems Putin has already been practising his Obama handshake on a walrus and was using dolphins to test the G20 catering.