Latest Reuters poll on global growth - 24 January 2018

  • October poll shows growth of 3.6%
  • 2019 growth forecasted at 3.6%
  • October poll shows 2019 growth of 3.5%
  • 70% of respondents see possibility of inflation being pushed higher than currently predicted

The poll covers the economies of more than 45 countries. Their forecast of 3.7% would equal the fastest global growth since 2010 (4.3%).

It seems like respondents are also seeing that inflation expectations are currently skewed towards the upside as from the poll comments they see booming global growth will help underpin inflation and could cause it to inch higher.

The 3.7% forecast here is just a tad lower than the IMF's forecast earlier on Monday here. But still keeps in tone with the theme of synchronised global growth.