Details of the January 2017 UK industrial, manufacturing production and construction output data report 10 March 2017

  • Prior 1.1%. Revised to 0.9%

  • 3.2% vs 3.3% exp y/y. Prior 4.3%
  • Manufacturing -0.9% vs -0.6% exp m/m. Prior 2.1%. Revised to 2.2%
  • 2.7% vs 3.0% exp y/y. Prior 4.0%. Revised to 4.2%

Construction output

  • -0.4% vs -0.2% exp m/m. Prior 1.8%

  • 2.0% vs 0.2% exp y/y. Prior 0.6%. Revised to 2.6%

Despite the slight miss, the 3m/3m manufacturing output was at the highest since May 2010. The manufacturing revisions are better for Dec but the ONS say they won't impact the final GDP reading.

Construction was all over the place as usual (pardon the pun). When you're getting such large misses and revisions, it's hard to get a real handle on things.

UK industrial, manufacturing and construction output y/y