New Zealand data - ANZ Truckometer for May:
-1.1% m/m
- prior was -0.5%, revised from -0.6%
The ANZ Truckometer is a measure of economic activity using real-time traffic data from around New Zealand
Heavy Traffic Index fell 1.1% in the month of May
- Down 1.4 % in on a 3 month/3 month basis (seasonally adjusted)
- Has fallen for 5 months in a row, says ANZ ... "that's unusual and flags a weaker economy ... . A clear dip in momentum is apparent"
The ANZ Light Traffic Index leads GDP by six months
- Fell 0.6% in May
- Up 0. 4 % in the last three months versus the three months previous (sa)
More from ANZ:
- While the Heavy Traffic Index suggests a respectable Q1 GDP outturn , with two of three months in, the signals for the second quarter are soft
- Unless we see a large bounce-back in the June month, the index will predict a fall in GDP in Q2
- Some of this is undoubtedly the impact of the drought and reduced agriculture production (though the late-season recovery was better than anticipated)
- The Light Traffic Index is more upbeat but is also losing steam
- Signals from our Truckometer reflect an economy facing strengthening headwinds. We can point to the obvious influences of Mother Nature but the story looks deeper than that. It's time for a rev-up courtesy of a cut in the Official Cash Rate.