All change! The ONS details the latest changes to the inflation basket

The UK' stats office has just announced the new changes to the CPI basket of goods.

Out goes;

  • Nightclub entrance fees
  • Pub grub (as it was hard to price without chips or salad :-D )
  • CD roms and re-writable DVD's

In comes;

  • Microwave rice
  • Lemons
  • Large chocolate bars
  • Coffee pods
  • Cream liqueur
  • Women's leggings
  • Nail varnish

Based on that lot coming in, if Eamonn lived in the UK CPI would be 6% and retail sales around +15% m/m, just on the last three categories alone ;-)

The changes are part of the annual basket changes the ONS make. Mostly they just move items into other corresponding headers but as above, they do add and subtract other items.

No more clubbing inflation