PM May in new effort to push through a Brexit deal

PM May is scheduled to speak at 4 PM in London/11 AM ET.

The cabinet spent 2 hours discussing the plans that will set out the EU withdrawal agreement bill to be vote on in the 1st week of June.

The PM spokesman said:

Cabinet discussed the new deal which the government will put before parliament in order to seek to secure the UK's exit from the European Union.

The discussions included alternative arrangements, workers' rights, environmental protections and further assurances on protecting the integrity of the UK in the unlikely event that the backstop is required.

The prime minister said that "the withdrawal agreement bill is the vehicle that gets the UK out of the European Union and it is vital to find a way to get it over the line."

And the prime minister will be setting out further details on the way forward in a speech this afternoon.

The BBC Laura Kuenssberg has tweeted the title of the speech.

PM May in new effort to push through a Brexit deal