-SMMT: UK Sep Car Registrations Up 8.2% y/y; Up 4.3% Year-to-Date

LONDON (MNI) – In the key month September, one of the two months in
the year when car number plates change, UK car registrations posted a
strong rise.

New car registrations were up 8.2% on a year ago and were up 4.3%
in the year-to-date, according to Society of Motor Manufacturers and
Traders data. In Q3 alone car registrations were up 7.5%, the strongest
monthly gain, excluding the distortions caused by the scrappage scheme,
since 2001.

The pace of growth in car registrations, effectively new car sales,
is far outstipping that in retail sales as a whole.

“The important September plate change market outperformed
expectations with new car registrations increasing more than 8% on last
year to 359,612 units,” Paul Everitt, SMMT Chief Executive, said.

“Although the economic outlook remains challenging, we are starting
to see a tentative return of consumer confidence as motorists explore
new products and the latest fuel-efficient technologies,” he added.

-London newsroom: 4417 862 7492; email: dthomas@marketnews.com.