Not much of a shock there

Pres. Trump is on the wires with a hodge podge of comments

  • 2019 could be controversial and tough
  • He will work with Democrats
  • US needs a physical barrier on the southern border
  • US lower payments to Honduras, other countries
  • US immigration and border patrol officials will make a plea for a border wall at White House meeting with lawmakers
  • We are all for doing something about so-called dreamer immigrants

Earlier this morning, Trump punched back after Mitt Romney criticized the President in an editorial in the Washington Post ("The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump's character falls short.")

Trump shot back:

Romney will be sworn into the US Senate on Thursday. "Flake" refers to Arizona Senator Jeff Flake (also a Republican) who did not always fall directly in line with regard to the President. Flake did not run for reelection. He is thought to potentially be a candidate for the Republican nomination in 2020.