-UK Aug global goods trade deficit stg9.844b vs stg7.34b Jul
-UK Aug total trade deficit stg4.169b vs stg1.705b Jul
LONDON (MNI) – A marked increase in the oil deficit fueled a sharp
widening in the UK’s trade deficits in August.
The August total trade deficit surged to stg4.169 billion from
stg1.705 billion in July while the goods trade deficit widened to
stg9.844 billion from stg7.337 billion in July, with both measures much
wider than analysts’ median forecast.
The oil deficit accounted for almost stg1 billion of the widening,
increasing to stg1.659 billion from stg695 billion in July.
–London newsroom: 44 20 7862 7491; email: drobinson@marketnews.com