Release For: Q2 2012
Source: U.K. Office for National Statistics
Percent changes, seasonally adjusted

Percent changes:
qtr/qtr yr/yr

Chain volume GDP -0.5 -0.5
Implied GDP deflator at mark 0.8 2.5

Final Consumption Expenditure:
Households -0.4 -0.8
Genl Govt Final Consumption 0.0 2.6
Gross Capital Formation:
Gross Fixed Capital -3.2 -1.2
Change in Inventories 2626 GBP Mln
Of which alignment adjustment 1435
Total Domestic Expenditure 0.5 0.2
Compensation of Employees 1.8 4.7

Agriculture, Forestry, Fish -2.6 -7.1

Production Industries:
Mining, quarrying inc oil -4.4 -10.5
Manufacturing -0.9 -2.6
Electricity, gas 5.6 4.5
Total -0.9 -2.8

Construction -3.9 -8.6

Services Industries:
Distrib., Hotels, Catering -0.1 0.0
Transport, Communication -0.7 0.7
Business svcs, finance -0.1 0.6
Government, other 0.3 1.3
Total -0.1 0.7

For further information, contact David Robinson at