Comments by UK environment secretary, George Eustice

  • We understand people are frustrated by the measures we have taken

Well, the mixed messaging by UK lawmakers makes it very difficult to gauge what is going to happen with the virus situation next in the country.

Health secretary, Matt Hancock, had previously said that things could get back to normal by April. So, how much of that is political pandering and how much of it is based on the facts and science of the current virus situation in the country? Hmm.

Eustice also says that there are some 100 lawmakers that have also hinted at concerns over the government's coronavirus measures, with the lockdown ending and set to move towards a tiered system after 2 December until possibly February.

UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, did say that restrictions could be eased in December and lawmakers will get to vote again on the matter in January though.

But the first vote on these measures will take place tomorrow, with Labour still undecided on its stance towards the government's latest move to curb the virus spread.