1Q US employment cost index
- Prior report
- Wages and salaries ( 70% of employment cost index) rose 0.7% versus Q4 0.6% (un revised)
- Benefits costs (30% of the index) rose 0.7% versus Q4 0.7% (unrevised).
- Q4 was unrevised at 0.7%
- Year on year in March 2019 rose by 2.8% versus 2.7% in March 2018.
- Wages and salaries increased 2.9% in the year ending March 2019 versus 2.7% in March 2018
- benefit costs increased 2.6% for the 12 month period ending March 2019 vs. 2.6% in March 2018
The data was on the screws and marginally higher from the 4Q (with no revisions from the 4Q.)
Below is more detail from the report broken down to from total civilian, private and state and local workers (from the Bureau of Labor Statistics)