US DATA: Nov CPI +0.1%, core +0.1% (+0.09785% unrounded) for +1.1%
YOY overall and +0.8% YOY core. Within core, new vehicles -0.4% (NSA
+0.3%), used cars -0.5% (NSA -1.2%), recreation flat, and medical
services +0.1% held down the total. OER at +0.1% and +0.2% YOY remains
very modest and should continue to moderate CPI ahead. Food +0.2% as
cereals and meats jumped but fruits & veg fell. Energy +0.2% as nat gas
-5.7% in an offset to higher gas and fuel oil. This was a little better
than expected and CPI’s slow gains show why the Fed remains concerned
about prices.