We have a preview of the US Retail Sales data due on Wednesday 13 May 2015 at 1230 GMT.
Here are a few more preview thoughts on it from RBS:
- Retail sales "could have been flat (0.0%) in April, while highlighting the weakness in vehicle sales, which fell by 3.5% last month, reversing most of March's 5.5% gain.
- Fortunately, despite the softness in these two categories, spending in other retail categories may have been solid for the second consecutive month.
- This mirrors the year-over-year rise in weekly chain store sales seen today (+2.1%), which has been in a steady upward trend
- This data may add to the incumbent sentiment that the US economy is rebounding from Q1's hiccup, but might not prove beyond a doubt that the US economy is fully immunized from the great recovery's misgivings"