Uk Telegraph report on German economic de velopments, saying what is meant to be the eurozone's strongest economy

worrying signs the exporting powerhouse at the centre of the eurozone is slowing down sharply

  • retail sales are falling sharply
  • Industrial production is slumping
  • Construction is sluggish
  • government is weak and clueless with little idea of how to respond to falling demand

The piece adds it may be just a 'blip' ... 'but that is how most recessions start'.

More here (may be gated)


We did get similar sorts of red light warnings last week and a little prior to that, but they do seem to be gathering steam. Let's see how the 'blip' plays out I guess. EUR has lost some headway (this against the USD:

I posted earlier on the EUR this morning .... Barclays not liking it too much: