If it’s Scottish and you can slap a flag on it then there’s not much else you need for a good advert. Unfortunately there’s always a moment went it backfires.

Bud Spencer showed us why wages are low in the UK and our old friend David Horton (You’ll remember him as the King of USD/CHF analysis when he was writing for ForexLive a while back).


Someone doesn’t give a f….

The split on bets is narrowing further as the “No” bets increase to 42.05% from 41.84% and the “yes” brigade are down to 57.96% vs 58.16% yesterday.

The odds have gone out too on the yes vote to just under 4/1 from just over 3/1 and the No’s are 1/4 from 2/7

Scotland bets 17 09 2014

Scotland bets 17 09 2014

D-day tomorrow and I’m still holding my GBP/USD longs from 1.6060 and EUR/GBP shorts from above 0.80, so I’ve got a fair bit of wiggle room to ride out any volatility tomorrow. I reckon I should be able to place a stop to lock in at least 100 pips in the cable trade which should (touch wood) see me through the election.