Comments (in brief) from the WPAC report on its September 2023 Leading Index.

The six-month annualised growth rate in the Westpac-Melbourne Institute Leading Index, which indicates the likely pace of economic activity relative to trend three to nine months into the future, rose to -0.34% in September from -0.48% in August.

  • Long run of negative, below-trend reads continues.
  • Lacklustre growth likely to carry into the first half of 2024.
  • Components highlight stabilising activity and reduced drag from commodity prices offset by shaky sharemarket and softening labour market.


Background info on the Westpac-Melbourne Institute Leading Index, published by Westpac Banking Corporation in conjunction with the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

  • The main objective of this index is to signal the likely pace of economic activity relative to trend three to nine months into the future.
  • The Leading Index is calculated based on a range of economic data, including components such as: S&P/ASX 200 index, employment indicators, dwelling approvals, commodity prices and the Australian yield spread (10-year Commonwealth Government Securities (CGS) yield minus the 90-day bank bill rate).
westpac leading index September 2023