Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon spoke in an interview Monday with Bloomberg TV.
On the US dollar he said
- “The reserve currency is a great privilege”
- doesn't see “a threat to that in any way, shape or form.”
He was speaking in the context of US debt levels and added on the dollar:
- “But it’s not something that you can take for granted”
- “The United States’ ability to spend without constraints is not unlimited”
On US debt:
- “I think the level of debt in the United States [and] the level of spending is something that we need a sharper focus on and more dialogue around than what we’ve seen”
- “The spending levels…are continuing at a pace that I think is raising our debt level and creating issues for us down the road”
- the issue is “something that deserves a lot of attention.”
- “we need to deal with the debt and the deficits.”