Japan Business Survey Index for Q3 2024: 4.5%

  • prior -1.0%

Earlier data:


Japan's Quarterly Business Survey Index (BSI) measures the sentiment of business executives regarding the economic conditions in their industries. It is compiled by Japan's Ministry of Finance and Cabinet Office through surveys of companies across various sectors, including manufacturing and non-manufacturing.

Here’s a breakdown of the key features:

  • BSI Formula: The BSI is calculated as the percentage of companies that report an improvement in business conditions minus the percentage of companies that report a worsening. Positive values indicate optimism, while negative values reflect pessimism.

  • Frequency: It is released quarterly and provides insights into the business outlook for the upcoming quarter.

  • Key Indicators: It includes business conditions, production capacity, employment, and capital investment plans. The BSI is often used to predict economic trends and business cycles.

  • Impact: A higher BSI suggests improved confidence among businesses, which may lead to increased investments and hiring, signaling economic expansion.

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