A trade via TD, short CHF/JPY. From the note:

  • We add a short CHFJPY trade to our FX model portfolio
  • entering at 143.05
  • targeting 136
  • stop loss at 147.25

TD citing:

  • CHF is now the most overbought G10 currency - by a significant margin. ... TD's positioning framework .... CHF sits in the 97th percentile over the past 6m
  • JPY sits in the 4th percentile
  • At current levels of the US 10y, CHFJPY should be trading around 136
  • MRSI's trading weights have a strong CHFJPY sell signal, reflecting its short CHF and long JPY bias. MRSI is short CHF on 7 of the 12 factors while long JPY on six factors. CHF scores poorly on carry, equity, risk, growth, positioning, terms of trade, and yield curve.
chfyen 31 August 2022